Meet BambooDeFi Team -Update 1-

Bamboo DeFi
Nov 6, 2020


Many of you wanted to get a look behind the scenes of BambooDeFi. Granted!

We are a technology company composed of a multidisciplinary team, which is dedicated to developing the latest technology applications to facilitate the daily life of individuals and businesses. Our objective with BAMBOO is clear, create a friendly-looking tool that encourages everyone to approach to the DeFI ecosystem, but without leaving aside the importance of the technology well applied and the robustness of the platform. Not in vain… a panda looks friendly, but hides inside a bear behind that nice looking exterior.

The team is composed by professionals from many fields with a great amount of accumulated knowledge and experience.
Together with this experience and as part of our enthusiasm for new technologies, Nexxyo Labs is totally dedicated to the development of BambooDeFi.

At NexxyoLabs we consider ourselves a family, all of us different but united by a passion for knowledge and a well done job.

Teamwork is one of our core values and an important part of our team’s culture. Over the last year, probably those who already knew Nexxyo Labs may have noticed that our team has grown!

We wanted to officially introduce all members of our team but… this will be in future updates!




Bamboo DeFi

Dive into a decentralized universe powered by $BAMBOO: DeFi tools, community and @Hashapon.