Is time to cross ! BSC UPDATE.
Hello Bamboo Lovers!
Throughout this time we have been working to comply with the RESULT OF THE VOTE OF 03/15/2021 about the improvements in our platform.
In that vote three options were proposed in order to improve and convert BambooDeFi into a multichain platform.
In order to comply with the request and with the only goal we have which is to always improve and upgrade Bamboo DeFi, we want to announce that the Bridge to Binance Smart Chain is already finalized, so that in a few days the doors of Bamboo will be open for all users of this Blockchain. (BSC)
This is just the first step to become a multichain, to fulfill the common goals of the community and the team, to make BambooDeFi grow more and more everyday.
After having audited our code by Red 4 Sec, one of the most important auditors in the industry, now we can continue with the process of deploying it to be working within our platform.
In this link you can see the previous audited contract:
So you can compare with the next audit when it is uploaded to the web.
Once the platform is launched on BSC there will be a new vote in which we will decide:
The liquidity to contribute in pancakeswap and also how many Bamboos will be minted for this process.
Whatever the number of our token minted, the LP’s we generate for each transaction will be locked for life in dxsale.
When we have the bridge and the number of tokens to mine, we will add liquidity to the pancake pair and all users will be able to find us on panckakeswap.
These questions will be launched with a vote through our governance system during the following days. Once these issues have been addressed with the community, Bamboo will be deployed on bsc.
Make your inner panda Grow .
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